Monday, May 11, 2009

New Burp Cloths

I am making my own burp cloths!! Since I've started making my baby blankets and burp cloths, I've purchased plain white cloth diapers and embellished them with fabric and rick rack. Recently I decided to make my own burp cloths using the fabrics that I love and pairing them with terrycloth. I can get terrycloth in other colors besides white, and I came up with a shape that I love. They are wider at the ends and thinner in the middle so that they are not so big over your shoulder. I think that they are wonderful!! Here are some some pictures of a set that I made for my nephew's baby that is due in September. I will be adding others to my shop soon, but let me know if you 'd like something if they're not up yet

I hope you like my creations!

Have a BEEutiful Day!!

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